[ Mahalla Festival Istanbul ]
[ About Mahalla ]
The invited participants came from Italy, Germany and Turkey.
The question of this first discussion was: if the European migration crisis continues to be a scandal, how should artists and cultural workers behave? How to create networks (in Europe and beyond), find cultural identity in exile and give voice to artistic practices that go beyond the so-called “internationalism” of the twentieth century? If cultural education is the foundation of every society how to promote respect for artistic/cultural producers? What are the urgent concerns of the artists that have just arrived? Which partners could be involved for future collaborations?
As suggested by the association Diyalog Derneği, another meeting on migration, exile and cultural identity was held in the form of a festival during the Istanbul Biennial 2017.
The Istanbul based cultural initiative Diyalog organized and carried out this festival under the title Mahalla within the frame of parallel events of the 15th Istanbul Biennale from September 13th until October 20th in Istanbul.
In round tables, public discussions, exhibitions, film screenings and a concert, the participants were sensitized to the topic, experiences from the respective countries and areas of activity were exchanged, and approaches and examples for the development of new narrative in exile were presented.
[ Culture in Transition ]
[ Participating Initiatives ]
• Diyalog Derneği, Istanbul
• Arthere, Istanbul
• Depo, Istanbul
• Marsistanbul
• Bahçeşehir Üniversitesi, Istanbul
• Mimar Sinan Universität, Istanbul
• KHORA, Istanbul
• Artists at Risk, Athen/Berlin/Helsinki
• Foreign Local Artistic Xchange – FLAX, Frankfurt
• Zentrum für Kunst und Urbanistik - ZK/U, Berlin
• Trampoline House, Copenhagen
• Villa Romana, Florence
• Archive of Migrant Memories, AMM, Rom
• Nation 25, Venice
• Valletta 2018, Malta
• Foundation for Shelter and Support to Migrants, Malta
• Fragmenta Malta
• Studio Solipsis, Malta
• Makan Art Space, Amman/Brussels
• Al-Khareef Theatre Troupe, Amman/Marseille