So Far Till Now – Sofa(R) on the Way
- Thomas
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Kids Workshop: September 4th, 5:00 pm
Interactive Workshop / Installation
Workshop with children in the courtyard of the school with Barbara Eichhorn, Anna Khodorkovskaya and Joanna Zabielska.
The artists create a mobile assemblage on wheels from materials from the streets, donations in kind from the neighborhood and from local garbage collection points as a performative intervention in public space. The project plays with the awareness of more ecological approaches, with a focus on the value of our everyday objects and their recyclability, and turns rubbish into the playfully poetic center of artistic exploration.
Şimdiye dek, şimdiye kadar yolda
Okulun arka bahçesinde çocuklarla atölye çalışması.
Sanatçılar, kamusal alana performatif bir müdahale olarak sokaklardan gelen malzemelerden, mahalleden gelen ayni bağışlardan ve yerel çöp toplama noktalarından tekerlekler üzerinde mobil bir montaj oluşturuyor. Proje, günlük nesnelerimizin değerine ve geri dönüştürülebilirliğine odaklanarak daha ekolojik yaklaşımların farkındalığıyla oynuyor ve çöpleri sanatsal keşiflerin şakacı şiirsel merkezine dönüştürüyor.
The title, Palimpsest, originally denotes a piece of writing material on which the original writing has been erased to make room for later writing.
However, traces of the overwritten texts remain.
This paleographic phenomenon will inspire the artists of the Mahalla Festival 2022. They will be concerned with the use of resources in a
comprehensive way: in terms of ecological, economic, political, social and communal memory culture.
The Palimpsest Festival is supported by