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Location: Kurtuluş Greek School 01.09.2022 – 10.09.2022 daily 12:00 – 8:00 pm Ona Juciute Installation Ona Juciute participated into the Mahalla Festival in the frame…

Walking Through The Layers Of Childhood Memory

Location: Kurtuluş Greek School 01.09.2022 – 10.09.2022 Pınar Derin Gençer Photo Documentation of a Performance The Turkish artist Pınar Derin Gençer chose the windowless door…

Sediment Pictures

Location: Kurtuluş Greek School 01.09.2022 – 10.09.2022 daily 12:00 – 8:00 pm Alfred Graf Painting-Installation Sediment Pictures by the Austrian artist Alfred Graf capture specific…

On Unlearning Words and Things

Alper Şen created this video in the frame and on the occasion of the interactive workshop So Far Till Now – Sofa(R) on the Way…

Attempt of a Poem

Performative Workshop Series   by Filippo Riniolo Curated by Ilayda Tunca Videographers: Murat Kahya, Aykut Guler, Selcuk Uzanır Sound design: Can Gürses This is the…


Location: Kurtuluş Greek School 01.09.2022 - 10.09.2022 daily 12:00 - 8:00 pm Elena Urucatu Performance-Installation The Romanian artist Elena Urucatu participated in the Mahalla Festival…

Sonic Journey Through Time, Memories and Emotions

  For Mahalla Festival's closing event on September 10th, Y.Unan took us to a sonic journey through time, memories and emotions presenting a selection inspired…


Location: Kurtuluş Greek School 01.09.2022, 7:00 pm Concert From life to nature, From nature to life… Yaşamdan Doğaya, Doğadan Yaşama.... FUNGISTANBUL is a trio that…