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Between the Lines

Between the Lines

  On November 23 the Mahalla Festival presented at MuzaBetween the Lines about literatur and mobility with Antoine Cssar, Jean-Paul Borg, Lilian Pithan and Ramy…

Video Screening at St Patricks FC Zabbar

  At ST. Patrick’s Football Club in Zabbar, Malta, the Mahalla festival in cooperation with the community museum MUZA was screening video works by nine…

Mahalla Festival 2018 – Final Report

The Mahalla Festival in Malta took place between Nov 17 and Nov 25 with the participation of more than 60 artists, writers, filmmakers, cultural workers…

Erbgħin Jum – (Forty Days)

The book Erbgħin Jum (Forty Days) by Maletese author and participant of the Mahalla Festival - Antoine Cassar -  has been awarded the Best Poetry…

Mahalla Festival Malta

In the name of the Mahalla Festival and the Turkish based association DIYALOG we thank all participants and visitors for their interest into this years…

Press Kit Mahalla Festival Malta 2018

One of the upcoming venues of the Mahalla Festival 2018 - Generating New Narritives - will be an unconverted Palazzo in Zabbar in Malta. Towards…

The Cement Truck Procession

  Cement-Truck-procession, 4.11.18, 5pm Artist Margerita Pulé's Cement Truck Procession-event continueed with the Cement-Bakery during the Mahalla Festival in Malta at the Palaazo in Zabbar…

Memorial for the Shipwreck of the 18th April 2015

Addolorata Cemetery in Malta 25.11.2018 - afternoon March A tree marks the spot where 24 unidentified asylum seekers who drowned on April 18, 2015, are…

Screening: Community Video Workshop

Footage from the presentation of the Community Video Workshop within the RIMA FILM FESTIVAL on October 12, 2018 at Spazju Kreattiv in Valletta. The RIMA…

Contemporary Istanbul 2018

  Within the context of Contemporary Istanbul 2018, the diyalog association partnering with arthereistanbul will take part in the Mahalla Festival 2018 and present five artists…