Re-telling the same old: writing virtual environments
- Thomas
- Talk and Round Tables

A Presentation and talk by Glen Calleja at SALT Auditorium, September 19, 3:00 pm
Moderator: Evrim Hikmet Öğüt
In the recent history of mass migrations in the West, a series of textual and visual narratives have defined the parameters of our thinking often reducing human tragedy to empty slogans. Could there be a poetics that does more justice to tragedy than one that perpetuates old narratives?
after the talk
IR-RAĠEL – (The Man: a floating book) a performance by Glen Calleja at the Golden Horn in Karaköy next to the Üsküdar ferry boat stop 5 minutes from SALT by foot.
IR-RAĠEL is a poetry installation which questions the constructs upon which Western Maculinity rests. Writers re-produce variations of a three verse stanza typically formed by a positive statement about Man and a revision of that affirmation so that the reader/viewer’s perception moves from the illusion of monolithic certainty which the opening statement creates to a more fluid and questioning stance. The walls on which the poetry is written eventually collapse and float away…
There were three editions of Ir-RAĠEL (Naxxar 2010, Bubaqra 2013, Luxembourg 2017).