Borders, Mobility and Cultural Identity
- Thomas
- News

On Tursday September 19th at 11:00 am the Mahalla festival will continue with artists talks and presentations dedicated to migration, exile, cultural praxis and cultural identity at SALT Galata. Participating artists are Theo Eshetu, Germany/UK, Costa Vece, Switzerland, Iris Andraschek, Hubert Lobnig, Austria, Pınar Öğrenci, Turkey, Omar Berakdar ,Syria, and Glen Calleja, Malta.
At 5:00 pm will be a screening of Insel 36 – Island 36 – by Aslı Özarslan former artist in residence of the program Kulturakademie Tarabya.
At 6:30 theater director Bulbul Nawar, France/Syria, will present the documentary Love Boat, about his last theater play with Syrian migrants in Amman.
After the programm will be a cocktail at SALT Galata.
Foto – Costa Vece