Żabbar’s Calling Città Hompesch
- Thomas
- All Events Malta , Exhibition Malta , Istallation Malta , Performance Malta

Palazzo in Zabbar
Opening, 18.11.18, 12 am
Exhibition, Installation, Performance
Antonio Cosentino (TR), Portable Leather-Suitcase, Objects
Doris Schamp (AUT), Displaced Characters
Eda Gecikmez (TR), The Memory of the Bird – installation: fabric-mural, drawings and objects
Güneş Terkol (TR), Curtains. Installation: A selection of breads made with flour & cement.
Ludivine Thomas (FR/SWE), Pop up installation, 16 square-meters
Mark Andersson, Dancing Feet, Sculpture, Paintings
Margerita Pulé (MLT), The Cement Bakery.
Mathilde Melek An (FR/TR), Golddess-Performance during the opening
Peter Eckström (SWE), Sinners and Saints
Rio Drop, Bathroom Installation, Objects, Hair-sculptures
Sara Pace (MLT), Treasure-Gate. Site-specific Intervention, Gold-Threads and Spray
Victor Agius (MLT), Two interventions around the courtyard
Tom van Malderen (BEL/MLT), Tables for the 1%
Utopian Nights Photo Studio, Elise Billiard, Jeremy Mangion, Malik Yahia (MLT)
Launch of the Permanent Video-Installation in cooperation with MUZA in The FC St. Patrick Club. 53-63 Is – Santwarju, Ħaż-Żabbar, Malta
Bjørn Melhus (DE), I’m Not the Enemy. Andrew Cagle (USA), I Am No Bird. David Siegel (US) Refugees Welcome, Alaa Hamameh (PL/SYR/DE), A Suitcase Memory. Letta Shtohryn (UKR/MLT), Another. A story of self-exile. Charlie Cauchi (MLT), Hanina.
An unconverted Palazzo in Żabbar is a venue for site specific interventions. After having been the home of a noble family the Palazzo served as a police-station and was partly burned down during the anti-colonial uprisings in the 1958. Some locals still have personal memories. Later the Palazzo was used as a depot for a band-club. Today it is for sale awaiting a new destiny.
Żabbar also known as Città Hompesch, is a city in the Southeast of Malta. Żabbar was granted the title of Città Hompesch by the last of the Grand Masters of the Order of St. John to reign in Malta until 1799, Ferdinand von Homepesch zu Bohlheim.
Maltese and international artist are invited to work with the building and to treat the architectural jewel with the respect it deserves.
Narrating Zabbar
1 pm
Video-Workshop is collecting stories in the city and at the Venue
Gathering at the Social Club
Open Mic
At 3 pm
Inizjamed invites you for the 30th Open Mic. They are joining the Mahalla Festiva at the Palazzo in Zabbarl. Your poem or story will echo around the four walls and other people’s arts will be your audience too.
The special guest will be Stephen Lughermo, who this week has been awarded one of the National Book Prizes for his book “Jarmuk”.
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