Cootie Catcher
- Thomas
- News
Everybody knows this fortune-telling game. A player asks a question, and the fortune teller operator answers using an algorithm to manipulate the fortune teller’s shape.
To use the fortune teller, the player telling the fortunes holds the four corners of the paper with pointer fingers and thumbs on both hands, keeping two pairs of corners together and the other two pairs separated so that only half of the internal sides of the corners are visible.
The fortune teller also goes by chatterbox, whirlybird, or salt cellar, and that last name is actually reflective of how the origami figure was first introduced to the United States.
As well as being used to tell fortunes, these shapes may be used as a pincer to play-act catching insects.
The “salt cellar” name refers to a different use for the same shape, in which it stands on a table with the four points downwards; the four open pockets may be used to hold small pieces of food.
Get your free copy of the Mahalla Cootie Catcher and stay informed! Reading the QR Code at the Cootie Catcher with your smart phone you will get the current program of the Mahalla festival 2018 in Malta.
1 – click the image and download it to your desktop:
2 – print and fold it as shown here: