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mahalla events

Displacement Under the Pandemic:


2020-2021 Buffer Fringe Performing Arts Festival


Due to the pandemic, the yearly-run Buffer Fringe Performing Arts Festival in Cyprus has launched its online platform to digitize documentation in the performing arts, leading up to the festival in December 2020. The platform serves as the promotion and preparation to adopt more physically distant methods of sharing ideas. Cypriot and international communities, both audiences and artists, can track the process of selected works.

Buffer Fringe Performing Arts Festival showcases new and experiment work by Cypriot and international artists, giving opportunities for artists to exchange ideas and challenging barriers regarding to both physical and artistic.

Displacement is the nucleus of this year. Based on the theme, the performances will explore the relationship between migration and mobility. The festival will encourage and evoke the rethink of how different people experience the displacement.

The Festival was developed since 2014 by the Home for Cooperation team. From 2016 the Festival involved wider audiences and artists internationally. The team also develop other events to celebrate multiculturalism and coexistence, such as Turkish language workshop and Djembre-playing workshop.

The last year’s Festival was taken place between October 25 and 27, 2019 in the old city of Nicosia. An Interactive Zone was also established in the Ledra Palace buffer zone area where various artists encountered ranging from exhibitions to installations. The participation included students from universities, researchers, artists and counted over 1000 audiences.

For the year 2020-2021, we look forward the Festival commencing on December by the support of its online platform and digital archive. Following their Instagram or website to discover the artists.

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