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Glitter Is Joy, Glitter Sparkles

Glitter Is Joy, Glitter Sparkles

Based on her work with glitter, Katharina Swoboda was offering on Saturday, November 23 a photography workshop. Sparkling moments while throwing glitter were captured photographically…

Glitter is joy, glitter sparkles

Photography Workshop By artist and curator Katharina Swoboda Location: Ioakimion Girls High School 23.11.24, 14:00-17:00   Based on her work with glitter, Katharina Swoboda is…

Artist Talk and Screening

MUZA, Auberge D’Italie, Merchants St, Valletta 20.11.2018, 6:00 pm Talk and Screenings with Alaa Hamameh (D/SYR), A Suitcase memory Kamen Stoyanov (BUL/AUT), Shadow-plays Katharina Swoboda…