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Sabine Küper-Büsch

Sabine Küper-Büsch

Sep 2017

Sabine Küper-Büsch is a filmmaker and curator from Germany based in Istanbul; together with THOMAS BÜSCH she initiated the Mahalla Festival in the name of the Istanbul based association diyalog. The objectives of the association are the promotion of exchange and cooperation in order to carry out an intercultural understanding to strengthen as well as above all a cultural dialogue between communities. Since 2008 they develop an Internet-publishing platform based on Videos called Streetwalking.  In 2014/2015 they established for diyalog and in cooperation with the Goethe-Institut Istanbul an extensive program under the title Searching Traces with the aim to give creative people with and without migration background the opportunity to look back on and reappraise their experiences in order to find new perspectives in a changing surrounding or in the hosting countries.

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