Sediment Pictures
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Location: Kurtuluş Greek School
01.09.2022 – 10.09.2022
daily 12:00 – 8:00 pm
Alfred Graf
Sediment Pictures by the Austrian artist Alfred Graf capture specific moments when something in the artist resonates with the landscape, directing his attention to particular sediments or colored rocks, as well as reflections of light, structures, ripples of waves to which memories, dreams, experiences are attached, and in one eruptive wave lets the unconscious rise. So these works are memorabilia of the performative act of being all-one.
The title, Palimpsest, originally denotes a piece of writing material on which the original writing has been erased to make room for later writing.
However, traces of the overwritten texts remain.
This paleographic phenomenon will inspire the artists of the Mahalla Festival 2022. They will be concerned with the use of resources in a
comprehensive way: in terms of ecological, economic, political, social and communal memory culture.
The Palimpsest Festival is supported by